Since Void.t values don't exist, it's logically possible to create value of any type
Concatenates two vectors.
Clear builder.
Prepend one element to vector.
Create copy of this builder.
drop v i returns the suffix of v starting at i.
drop v i
Creates new empty builder.
Empty vector.
get v i returns the element of a v at position i.
get v i
init l f creates vector of length l where value at position i is initialized with f i.
init l f
f i
iter f v iterates over v applying f to each element.
iter f v
The length of a vector.
Converts list to vector
Put element to builder.
Get vector of current elements in builder.
Apppend one element to vector.
Stable sort with supplied comparision function, default is
split_at v i returns pair of a vectors where first element is the prefix of v of length i and second is the suffix of v starting at i.
split_at v i
take v i returns the prefix of v of length i.
take v i
Converts vector to list
update v i x returns new vector initialized with values of v where value at index i is replaced with x.
update v i x